Put in a Door Alarm Immediately If You Need Safety

Every organization needs security. However in a society of computer passwords, magnetic keys, CCTV cameras, laser beams and security guards what use is a simple door alarm? I mean, if an intruder wanted to get to a special area or get into an off limits room, he would have to go through multiple protection measures. How will door alarm devices deter anyone to do all that?

What Is A Door Alarm?

A door alarm is a simple piece of equipment which is put on the frame of a door. If anybody opens the door the unit will make a high sound, telling you of the entry of an intruder.

Door alarms are commonly used in homes, sometimes as a garage door alarm. Door alarms are often installed at business locations as well. These units are easy to use, discrete and not often objects of attention.

The basic advantage of a door alarm is its price compared to other security equipment. You’ll find door alarms with prices from 10 to 50 dollars based on the maker and the quality of the unit you select. Be sure to make an adequate balance between price and value. If any thing bad happens due to a flawed door alarm, you will be the one blamed for picking it.

How Does A Door Alarm Work?

A door alarm creates a magnetic field. If the magnetic field is broken, the device begins letting off anoisy siren that startles the burglar and warns you of the illegal entry.

Since it doesn’t use a lot of electricity, a GSM door alarm doesn’t need to be connected to the electrical system of the building. It uses a simple battery that lasts, about, 1 year. If you had wireless door alarms installed or wish to install them, you might want to consider using good batteries and executing a maintenance schedule and change them at determined periods of time.

In the case of hard wired door alarms, these units are connected to the electrical system of the building. The more expensive devices have battery back up in the event of a power out.

What Are The Components of Door Alarm Systems?

A door alarm is composed of a receiver and a sensor. The units sensor will be attached to the door frame while the receiver is attached to the actual door. The sensor will be the one emitting a magnetic field. On the other hand, the receiver is in charge of signalling the alarm when the reception of the magnetic field is cut off.