Keep An Eye On Your Home Live by Internet

Smoke Detector Hidden Camera - Motion Activated  DVRWi Fi enabled hidden camera smoke detector lets you can view surveillance video of your home or office from anywhere in the world over the internet.

Simply connect the Wi Fi Enabled Hidden Camera Smoke Detector to the Internet and start viewing your surveillance footage online from anywhere in the world over the Internet by using the Ethernet port located at the bottom of this unit. To view the camera remotely, all you need is a PC with an Internet browser. Plus, you can use your iPhone, Blackberry, or Android style phone.

Uses For The Wi Fi Enabled Hidden Camera Smoke Detector:
  • Monitor your home or office after hours
  • Find out who's been sneaking around rooms or offices
  • Keep an eye on children
  • Superrvise nannies or babysitters
  • Protect valuables
  • Easy to hide in plain sight- fully functional smoke detector
  • Acess From Anywhere In The World By Internet with WI-FI IP connection
Attention: If you choose to use the internet networking option, this product requires you have a moderate level of networking comprehension. Since all computer networks are different, we can only provide support for basic networking setup. This should be taken into consideration when purchasing this product. Please contact your network administrator or network consultant to properly set up the networking option in your unique scenario.