Detects Motion ~ rotates to follow intruders

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Call: 1-919-329-5112

Rotating & Tracking Home Security Light
Motion/heat activated security light is triggered by motion and starts automatically tracking the moving object... or person! Protects up to a 220° field of vision using PIR motion technology. Turns the lamp to point directly at the intruder. It is designed to illuminate when the detection area is entered by a person and will detect a moving heat source. As the intruder moves across the viewing range, the motorized lamp head with 8 x 1W Nichia 120lm LED bulbs takes aim and follows, giving the appearance that they are being watched. Versions with built in camera and DVR recorder also available. Watch demonstration video online
Save Ten Dollars off your purchase of any of our robotic security lights... simply enter this coupon during checkout 10DOLLARSOFF. If you are placing your order by phone simply give the coupon code to the phone representative.


NightWatcher Pro
3X passive infrared sensors with a total detection zone of 220° and up to 55 ft. - Robotic head rotates left and right.


NightWatcher Camera
Motion tracking feature built into a PIR security light - also records video to built-in SD card - sensor range up to 55 ft.!


NightWatcher Wifi
Motion activated WiFi camera and LED light detect and track movement up to 55 feet away with a huge 220 degree radius.
Security & Self Defense Store   |   1206 Wishaw Ct.   |   Cary, NC 27511   |   919-439-5112
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