intercepting and recording wireless transmissions

Here is a bug detector unit that lets you intercept transmission and listen in on what it being transmitted. It has a set of earphone for listening. All you would have to do is plug in some kind of recorder instead of headphones. The only thing this will not do is let you sweep frequencies and zero in on a particular frequency. To get at what you are looking for you’d have to turn off all your WiFi devices like your computer, cell phone etc. so the unwanted signal is the only one present.


Pro Bug Detector with Voice Verification
Alerts you to secret wireless frequencies, allows you to listen in to signals to avoid false positives

Price: $249.95 View Details


Here is one that would allow you to do the same as above but also allow you to scan for particular frequencies, zero in on them and record etc. Alas, its rather expensive.

Pro Camera Detector & Video Monitor
Tap into and watch intercepted signals - detects up to 300 ft.

Price: $689.95 View Details