Noise Generators for Secure Communications

Noise generators are ideal if you suspect you are being bugged with some sort of listening device… but either can’t figure out where it is or don’t want them to know you’ve uncovered it. Portable noise generators make it possible to have a secured conversation just about anywhere.


Additionally, white noise generator and sound blockers will make it difficult for those in the room who might be trying to record what’s being said using a portable on body recording device.




Mobile Noise Generator


TSCM designed to secure conversations from listening devices. Powerful but small enough to carry anywhere! Uses a unique noise generation technique that’s not exactly white noise. It uses actual noises (like a laugh track) to create complex barriers and audio confusion that will stump even the best audio bugs.  View Details


Perimeter Noise Generator


Create a "perimeter" of noise around a target area with a noise free zone in the middle. Allows you to talk at normal levels and have a nuanced conversation even while securing yourself with noise. Reminds me of the cone of silence from the old Get Smart show… except this one really works. View Details


Profession Noise Generator Law Enforcement Grade


100% protection to your conversations against interception or recording. Pro system for up to 6 persons includes 4 headsets that let the talkers hear and understand one another while the noise around them frustrates any attempt to secretly listen in on what is being said   View Details